‘Misfits’ Series 5 Episode 5 review

The Internet. The Ol’ Googlebox. The Pornographer’s Lantern. Whatever you call it, we can agree that it is generally pretty neat. It even allowed you to watch this week’s Misfits earlier than usual on 4OD, and that’s no bad thing.

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‘The Tunnel’ Episode 6 review

Ahh the youth of today, with their McBusted and their Snapchat and their big shoes. If they’re not busy FML’ing at everything then they’re being immolated by a pan-national terrorist as part of his fourth ‘truth’. And there’s no one around Instagram it. FML indeed.

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‘Wizards vs Aliens’: ‘The Curse of Crowe’ review

The latest tale from Doctor Who writer Gareth Roberts (‘The Lodger’, ‘The Unicorn and the Wasp’) may feel like a retread for its opening ten minutes or so, as if a reminder to the audience of just what Wizards Vs Aliens is all about, but there’s a treat in store after the familiarity.

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‘Wallace & Gromit: The Complete Newspaper Strips’ book review

There hasn’t been a Wallace & Gromit animation since 2008’s A Matter of Loaf and Death movie, and yet even after 5 years off our screens (not counting the repeats that TV law commands must be shown every Bank Holiday), the man and dog duo are as popular as ever with kids and adults – as was demonstrated earlier this month when an auction of 81 Gromit statues in Bristol raised £2.3million for charity.

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‘Yonderland’ Episode 3: ‘Reformation’ review

Sky1’s Yonderland maintains its high quality levels this week with a high gag-success rate, gratuitous nudity, and the inspired concept of the Monks of Old John, who must always tell the truth, and end up offending Negatus as a result. Debbie attempts to lead them to safety, avoiding those hunting for the reward of bringing them in dead or alive, including goblins and bounty hunters.

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‘A Very Klingon Khristmas’ book review

‘Tis some weeks until Christmas, but here’s something shocking;
You can buy this odd gift for a keen Trekkie’s stocking.
A book of Kirk’s foes: Klingon seasonal fun,
We’re about to review it, set your phasers to stun.’

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