
Watch the ultimate ‘Doctor Who’ and ‘Star Wars’ mash-up video

A couple of years ago Vimeo user Kelvington created an awesome mash-up featuring the worlds of Doctor Who and Star Wars (with a bit of Star Trek thrown in for good measure). Featuring nearly 1,500 image files, over 500 sound effects, 28 rotoscope shots and 50 effects shots, the project took 48 production days to … >

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‘Downton Abbey’ does One Direction’s ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ – watch!

A few years ago, a video surfaced on YouTube using dialogue clips from Downton Abbey to form the lyrics of One Directon’s hit single ‘What Makes You Beautiful’. The video was originally made for Richard Sandling’s Perfect Movie, a monthly live comedy show at The Leicester Square Theatre about films featuring comedians, special guests, reviews, trailers, games … >

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Matt Smith as The Eleventh Doctor

Watch a supercut of ‘Doctor Who’ characters saying ‘bigger on the inside’

“It’s bigger on the inside!” YouTube user DW Supercuts has created a brilliant compilation of Doctor Who characters’ first reactions to seeing the inside of the TARDIS. Watch the supercut… 12 new Doctor Who episodes have been filming in Cardiff since June 2016 and will begin airing on BBC One this April. Here’s everything we know so far about … >

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