Lucifer leaving Amazon

Lucifer leaving Amazon UK this month (first two seasons)

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Lucifer is leaving Amazon UK this month (seasons one and two)

While having a quick rewatch of the first few seasons of Lucifer on Amazon Prime (there’s only around 70 episodes across all platforms) ahead of the release of Lucifer series 5B on May 28, we spotted something. Against the status for both season one and season two is the message: leaves Prime in 12 days. What is happening, where is it going?

On some investigation, it turns out TV licensing is a minefield. When Netflix took over Lucifer after it was cancelled by Amazon, they got the US rights to the first three seasons. When they dropped seasons four in the US, they had all the previous series ready. Not so in the UK, where the only way to see the whole series (to date) has been to have both a Netflix and Amazon Prime subscription. This is now changing.

It might well be just an accident of licence dates, but the first two seasons of Lucifer are leaving Amazon Prime UK on May 28. There’s only one question — are they coming to Netflix UK? We can’t find any evidence, but where else could they go? Our best guess is they will appear on the streamer somewhere between the release of season 5B and season 6.

Until then you’ve got just under two weeks to catch them on Amazon Prime. At 27 episodes that’s only just over 2 a day — how hard can that be? We’ll let you know when we find out when (if) they’re coming to Netflix in the UK. In the meantime we’ve some rewatching to do….