Torchwood: God Among Us Part 3 review

The massive flood triggered by the tsunami finale of the previous boxset of the God Among Us trilogy has left disaster in its wake as the third instalment opens. Cardiff Bay is in ruins, hundreds are dead, others are missing, and the shell-shocked survivors are hunkered down in inland refugee camps. But when it comes … >

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Doctor Who Short Trips: The Same Face review

June brought a third Doctor Short Trips story: The Same Face, performed by Katy Manning, written by Julian Richards. With some reservations, it’s another solid release and any opportunity to hear more Jo Grant is always welcome. A lot is suggested by the product page: on the planet Samael, Felicity Morgan keeps being assassinated. And … >

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UNIT Series 8: Incursions review

First appearing in 2013’s The Power Of Three, the modern incarnation of UNIT enjoyed a smattering of appearances onscreen with both the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors, dealing with Zygons, Missy and her Cyber-minions. On audio they have been rather more prolific, notching up eight boxsets of adventures which have featured a mix of old enemies … >

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Gallifrey: Time War Volume 2 review

Having previously teetered on the brink, last year’s Gallifrey box set launched into the “Time War”, the primarily off screen temporal conflict between the Doctor’s own people and the Daleks which indelibly coloured his backstory when the show returned to television screens in 2005. While the previous volume took pieces off the board, seemingly lining … >

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The Fourth Doctor Comic Strip Adaptations Volume 1 review

Fans of Tom Baker’s fourth Doctor are enjoying a bevy of releases from Big Finish, and the latest five-disc boxset maintains the standard of quality. It’s two stories adapted from comic strips and transferring two popular stories to audio. Adapted by Alan Barnes, this is a fourth Doctor able to turn up the dial on … >

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Doctor Who – The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 8 Vol. 1 review

After seven years’ worth of stories paired with television companions, the Fourth Doctor and K-9 have a new friend in tow: WPC Ann Kelso, played by Jane Slavin. This eighth season of audio adventures mirrors a idea from the Doctor’s onscreen adventures; just as season sixteen brought us a quest for The Key To Time, … >

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Doctor Who Short Trips: The Revisionists review

The Big Finish Doctor Who Short Trips range starts 2019 with a new producer (Alfie Shaw taking over from Ian Atkins) and brings Brigadier Alastair Lethbridge-Stewart to the fore. The Short Trips stories are short (30-40 minutes generally) tales focusing on a few characters in Doctor Who history read by an actor who played one … >

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The War Master: Master Of Callous review

In their latest War Master boxset, Master Of Callous, Big Finish gives us a story given plenty of time to breathe and develop. Possibly driven by Derek Jacobi’s availability, the War Master is a continual presence through the set of four stories, despite only being a major part of two of them. It’s a masterclass … >

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Star Cops: Mother Earth Part 2 review

The second series of Big Finish’s Star Cops audios takes the threat posed by the Mother Earth terror group into unexpected new directions, as the tendrils of the anti-space colonisation conspiracy introduced in series one are revealed to reach even further than Nathan Spring and his team had suspected. The result is a strong and … >

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