Agent Carter rumoured to appear in Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s final season
A rumour with a bit of evidence to back it up suggests that Hayley Atwell could be reprising Peggy Carter again in the time-hopping Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 7.
A rumour with a bit of evidence to back it up suggests that Hayley Atwell could be reprising Peggy Carter again in the time-hopping Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 7.
Agent Carter star Hayley Atwell has been reflecting on her “frustrating” experience of working in American network television. Although Atwell isn’t ruling out the possibility of Peggy Carter returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in some way, her fans remain disappointed that ABC cancelled Agent Carter after two seasons, and failed to resolve a huge … >
Hayley Atwell, who debuted as the super spy Agent Carter in Captain America: The First Avenger, isn’t ruling out a return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Despite the tragic cutting-short of her blossoming romance with Chris Evans’ Steve Rogers (which occurred at the end of The First Avenger), Atwell’s Peggy Carter has already reappeared in … >
ABC has cancelled their Marvel television series Agent Carter. Starring British actress Hayley Atwell as the Marvel Comics character Peggy Carter, first seen in 2010’s Captain America: The First Avenger movie, the series launched in January 2015 as a spin-off of ABC’s Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD. The second season of Agent Carter concluded in the UK on FOX in March with … >
If the devil has all the best tunes, then Howard Stark has all the best lines. Five minutes into Season 2’s finale and Dominic Cooper returns as Stark – ready to brainstorm, quip and flirt with the best of them. Which is just as well, because it helps distract us from a surprisingly sedate closing … >
They say we’re all the hero of our own story – in which case, whose story do the people in Agent Carter really think it is? Is it the tragedy of Dr Wilkes, the softly-spoken, mild-mannered scientist who wants nothing more than a quiet life, but who against his will and despite his best efforts … >
I’m afraid that the cracks are beginning to show in ‘The Edge of Mystery’, this week’s episode of Agent Carter. I don’t just mean the eerie zero matter split across the face of Whitney Frost, but in the nuts and bolts of the storytelling as the season moves towards its climax. Unusually it’s an episode … >
For all the daredevil adventuring, the shady conspiracies and the Commie-bashing, it’s becoming more and more obvious that in fact what Agent Carter is really about is Peggy’s love life. It’s not quite ‘SSR & The City’ but nevertheless there is some definite action for her in ‘Monsters’ this week – of the romantic rather … >
In this week’s episode of Agent Carter Underwood, our hero Dottie finally escapes from prison, where she’s been ever since her capture by the SSR (way back in issue 1, true believer – Ed.). Forced against her will into aiding the evil forces of democracy Dottie overhears and oversees some extraordinary events before once again … >
I can understand that a man with a beautiful wife, especially in the more gender-defined society of the 1940s, would want to spoil her. A new dress here, some expensive jewellery there, that’s fine. But when she asks for a dawn visit to the local mortuary for a bit of body-snatching; and when her next … >