‘Silk’ Series 3 Episode 3 review

This week’s Silk episode dealt with the highly sensitive subject of assisted suicide. A mother was accused of murdering her severely disabled daughter in a case that pitted friends/lovers Martha and Clive against each other. Despite the tragic case, there was the sense that this was more about Martha and Clive’s rivalry than anything else. … >

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‘Silk’ Series 3 Episode 2 review

Last week dealt with the murky underbelly of the police; this week it was the beautiful game. Martha’s compassion for her clients continued as she came to the defence of gay footballer Jordan Sinclair (a stellar Ukweli Roach), who was facing prison for breaking the jaw of a fellow player. The smear-campaign against Jordan by … >

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‘Silk’ Series 3 Episode 1 review

Series 3 of Silk hit the ground running tonight. Within five minutes Martha Costello (complete with foxy new bob) lost a case, made a scene and kissed the face off of Clive Reader (Rupert Penry-Jones). Martha’s tendency to let her heart rule her head looks set to feature heavily over the next five episodes.

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‘Whitechapel’: Series 4 Episode 5 review

Following the pattern that grisly discoveries occur when the Whitehapel gang are socialising, this final tale began amid a “Zombie Apocalypse” team building exercise.

Not that we were initially aware, joining them fleeing from the undead hordes with Buchan and Miles worryingly immersed in the game. It was a smart move, serving to highlight this fractured team’s plight. If such an event does not truly exist for corporate jollies, it really ought to!

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