Torchwood: We Always Get Out Alive review

The latest Torchwood release from Big Finish is We Always Get Out Alive, a Gwen and Rhys story with both Eve Myles and Kai Owen performing. If that’s not enough to rouse interest, it was also written by the prolific Guy Adams. Guy takes us to a car journey. Gwen and Rhys are on the … >

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Torchwood: Believe boxset review

While Big Finish have been releasing Torchwood audios since 2015, Believe is the first to reunite the original television line-up with a three-part tale rooted in the latter part of the second series. The story focuses on Owen’s suspicions about “The Church of the Outsiders”, a religious organisation who believe that our destiny belongs in … >

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Torchwood 19 – The Death Of Captain Jack review

After a six month break, which saw the launch of the Torchwood: Aliens Among Us series, a new run of monthly Torchwood releases from Big Finish began with the return of an old adversary. Before Captain Jack Harkness became Torchwood’s brooding immortal hero, we saw him as Doctor Who’s reformed temporal con man. Earlier than that, … >

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Torchwood: The Office Of Never Was review

From the roster of the Torchwood central cast, doubtless many would agree that Ianto Jones had the most to gain from the show’s audio revival. Presented as the ever-reliable background boy, albeit with a tortured past and a cyber-girlfriend stashed in the basement, his opportunities to shine on screen were limited at best. The audio … >

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How LGBTQ representation in television is changing

Representation in television has always been a controversial topic amongst audiences and critics. Throughout our own history, television organisations have grounded healthy representation to a halt because of a lack of knowledge and apprehension towards how their audience numbers would be affected if they didn’t satisfy everyone’s expectations. In modern society, writers have gradually become … >

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Torchwood Aliens Among Us 2 cover art crop

Torchwood: Aliens Among Us Part 2 audio boxset review

Continuing the new fifth series of Torchwood, as full-bloodied full cast audio drama, Captain Jack Harkness and his team are back on the mean streets of present day Cardiff for Aliens Among Us Part 2.  Following on the heels of Part 1, which introduced new characters and a tough alien-infused situation in the city they … >

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Torchwood: The Lives Of Captain Jack boxset review

Jack Harkness, former Time Agent and friend of the Doctor has a rather complicated timeline; he has travelled with two different incarnations and also on his own, as well as having spent several lifetimes on Earth. This makes him ripe for further exploration and this box set explores some of the tantalising gaps in Jack’s … >

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Torchwood: The Dying Room

Torchwood – The Dying Room review

With August seeing the launch of Torchwood: Aliens Among Us, a new series styled as the official continuation of the TV show, it would be easy to overlook ‘The Dying Room’, the 18th release in the regular monthly range. To do so however, would be to miss out on a highly enjoyable – and unusual – … >

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Torchwood: Aliens Among Us Part 1 audio boxset review

Big Finish Productions has picked up the Torchwood baton with the first ‘Series 5’ entry, here’s our review of Torchwood: Aliens Among Us Part 1.  With no further television adventures on the horizon, and 2011’s Miracle Day now a distant memory, Big Finish have brought us a new audio series styled as Torchwood Series 5. … >

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