‘Hit & Miss’: Episode 5 teasers
Sky Atlantic’s original drama series Hit & Miss continues next week, starring Chloë Sevigny as a transgender contract killer.
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Sky Atlantic’s original drama series Hit & Miss continues next week, starring Chloë Sevigny as a transgender contract killer.
The place is the planet New Texas. The year is 2249 or thereabouts. And the Galactical Marshall keeping the peace is Bravestarr, a Native American who calls on (in a very loud voice) the assistance of spirit animals to see great distances, run quickly and do all sorts of things that animals do better than … >
It’s very easy to get a cheap laugh out of an episode of Homes Under The Hammer re-edited to make it seem like a smut-filled barrel of pornuendo. A bit too easy, some might say, but that’s no reason not to look at Martin Roberts and Lucy Alexander prowling around houses, talking dirty.
If you’re an advocate of the theory that ‘James Bond’ is as much of a codename as ‘007’ is a code number, this video should help dispel any lingering worries you have that you’re the only one who thinks thus. After enjoying a relaxing game of poker together, the Bonds then get into a few … >
Hit & Miss has proved itself to be not only an engrossing thriller with a transgender twist, but a very human story of struggle, of families, of love.
Come the zombie apocalypse, there won’t be much time for pranks. Rio Ferdinand certainly won’t be spending his leisure time making any more windup television shows – not even Rio’s Judgement Day Jollies or Rio’s Armageddon Arse-Abouts or Rio’s Mankind, Your Time Is Up! or (that’s enough Rio Ferdinand TV shows – Ed) – and … >
A double-helping of Tom Baker-flavoured electro-pop excitement in a single YouTube video. First up, the instrumental version of the Human League’s b-side tribute to the toothy Time Lord from 1981. That’s all very well, of course, but the main part (and if you want to skip past Phil Oakey’s synthery to get to it immediately, … >
Dr Sheldon Cooper, master japer of The Big Bang Theory, always presages or follows his hilarious gags with a single codeword that signifies merriment should take place. Which word, you ask? Well…
Fans of the original Back to the Future movies hanker for a fourth film like Biff Tannen craves something stronger than light beer. A corner of their hearts will always resemble the Cafe ‘80s in BTTF2 – ‘where it’s always morning in America, even in the afternoon’ – and nothing would delight them more than … >
William Shatner’s recent stint in the host’s chair on Have I Got News for You was not his first appearance in a British TV production. Back in the 1990s, he and James Doohan – Scotty – were seduced by the corporate dollar of the company that had earlier ensnared Peter Purves for advertising purposes: National … >