‘Hit & Miss’: Mia – more, eh?
For the last month and a half, Tuesday nights at 10pm has meant an unmissable appointment with the most likeable contract killer in the history of television.
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For the last month and a half, Tuesday nights at 10pm has meant an unmissable appointment with the most likeable contract killer in the history of television.
As a kid growing up in the 1980s, your CultBox correspondent had several pre-adolescent crushes on female characters in imported cartoon series. Two that immediately spring to mind are Princess in Battle of the Planets and Sheila, the Thief from Dungeons and Dragons. Whether that was because they both had a tendency – thanks to … >
Troughton, Hines and Padbury present a united front of snarky but genuine friendship that is impossible to dislike.
One of the most memorable moments in the enjoyably average Simpsons movie was Homer’s adopting of a porcine pet. Here, with visuals provided by whoever uploaded it to YouTube, is the full song from the end of the film. Ironically, given that the pig also adopts the guise of Harry Plopper later in the picture, … >
In July 2001, the first teaser trailer for Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man was released to cinemas. By the time the film itself appeared a year later, the promo had long since been withdrawn and none of the footage it contained was apparent anywhere in the finished movie. Why? Well, according to distributors Sony, the sequence was … >
Although many people watch Game of Thrones for its compelling blend of fantasy, action and bloody violence, a similar number enjoy it for the Machiavellian political subterfuge that runs through it like a mainline injection of Francis Urquhart’s blood. It’s not quite The West Wing of the Seven Kingdoms, but it’s not far off – … >
UK readers may be bemused when the name is mentioned, as his fame didn’t really extend across the Atlantic, but the somewhat unfortunately middle-monikered Fred McFeely Rogers was a staple of children’s television in the United States for over thirty years, best-known as host of the preschool classic, Mister Rogers’ Neighbourhood. Famed for his gentle, … >
The cinematic remake is a tricky thing to pull off successfully – particularly if the movie being modernised was a smash-hit in the first place. The best thing to do, of course, is to reboot the franchise and pretty much ignore what went before, as Christopher Nolan did with Batman – and provided the studio … >
Based on novels by Sue Townsend, The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole chronicled the exploits of the angst-ridden title character.
Hit & Miss ends not with a bang but a series of question marks that stretch off into the distance like a row of pylons across a barren moorland landscape.