Articles by:

Rob Smedley

10 of the best things The Doctor has ever worn on his face(s)

Well, it seems like the sonic sunglasses are here to stay for the foreseeable in Doctor Who, and not everyone is pleased with that. Some fans have taken to Twitter to moan that an integral part of Doctor Who has been taken away. Of course, it’s really integral. From the Fifth Doctor story ‘The Visitation’ … >

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‘The Returned’ Season 2 Episode 4 review: ‘Virgil’

Unlike in these weekly reviews, there’s not a word wasted in The Returned. Not one. No character jokes, or banters, and – because the electricity’s still off – no one discusses the football results, or wonders what’s happening in the country’s top soap opera, Plus belle la vie. They’re cut off from everything, yet no … >

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The weirdest and worst James Bond merchandise of all time

‘You know my naaaay-ay-aaaame!’ Chris Cornell screamed in the theme song for Casino Royale. And yes, we do know Bond, James Bond’s name, but how could we not when, over the course of 50 years of films, he’s plastered his moniker and face across aisles of movie tie-in merchandise? He’s not always been successful in … >

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‘Doctor Who’ Season 9 Episode 7 review: ‘The Zygon Invasion’

History proves it again and again: no matter how good things are, there’ll always be some who are unhappy. No, we’re not talking about the more vociferous Doctor Who fans! We’re talking about the Zygons. And while it’s understandable that no episode pleases everyone, ‘The Zygon Invasion’ should have everyone reaching the consensus that it’s … >

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‘The Returned’ Season 2 Episode 3 review: ‘Morgane’

Not to get all QI on you, but did you know a baby’s cry is specifically designed to hack the fear centres of your brain? 2 points to you if you’re nodding. When baby yells, it sparks off all sorts of primal neurochemistry in your amygdala that sets you on edge, even if baby’s not … >

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‘Doctor Who’ Season 9 Episode 6 review: ‘The Woman Who Lived’

‘We all change…’ said The Doctor once upon a regeneration, ‘We’re all different people, all through our lives. And that’s okay…so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.’ Sound advice. Shame Ashildr’s forgotten who she was. Now she thinks she’s The Shadow from Blackadder. Hide your (clockwork) squirrel, Doctor! But … >

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‘The Returned’ Season 2 Episode 2 review: ‘Milan’

‘Milan’ says the opening caption. Are we about to take a trip beyond the cold, cumulus-grey town, and onto the warm sidewalks of Lombardy’s most famous city, the fashion-capital of Italy? No chance. Milan is the name of a mysterious young chap who, 35 years ago helped Pierre break into Victor’s house and kill him, … >

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