
Will There Be A Lucky Man Season 4?

The Lucky Man series, a Sky original production by Carnival Films and Stan Lee’s POW! Entertainment, lasted three seasons taking the ‘lucky’ Harry Clayton around the world solving crimes, avoiding death and trying to keep up with the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. While it was an overwhelming success on Sky 1, there’s still … >

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The Quintessential Aspects of Being British

To most people from Britain, going abroad and meeting others with a different perception of us Brits is interesting. The idea that we eat scones and crumpets, say ‘guv’nor’ and have cockney accents pervades in a lot of other nations, despite the years of Love Island, Fleabag, and Doctor Who, which have showed the many … >

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5 Fantastic Movie-Themed Slot Games

  Whilst not everybody loves the same type of movie, you would be hard pressed to find somebody who doesn’t have a favourite film or, at least, a favourite genre.   As a result, movie-themed slot games have become increasingly popular in recent years, with top distributors such as Netent having made movie-themed slot games … >

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Cult-classic Slot Machines You Must Try

Slots are the most popular category of games at online casinos for many good reasons. For instance, there are literally thousands to choose from each with a different theme, graphics and sounds, they’re hugely fun and easy to play, they have the potential to line your pockets with lots of winnings, and they’re available at … >

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5 Reasons Why a Rehab is Beneficial for Fighting Addiction

  It’s difficult to admit that you need to go to rehab to help overcome your substance abuse or alcohol addiction. It may sound scary to leave your home and giving up your freedom. No addict likes to go to rehab, but the sooner you decide to go to rehab, the better you can overcome … >

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5 Ways to Improve Your Small Business

You started your small business with great enthusiasm. It went really well at first. You targeted your audience and got quite some attention. Your brand was new, exciting, and refreshing. But that initial drive is hard to maintain if you don’t introduce changes. Competitive brands will keep showing up. They listen to the same audience … >

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Do we really need to be thinking about Christmas already?

  You can feel it, lurking just out of sight, a gathering storm of elves, pine needles, glitter, mince pies and maybe even a few snowflakes. There’s a good chance you’ve already seen it in at least one of the shop windows of your nearest high street. Someone’s probably sent you a quietly pushy text … >

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