
Judoon 13th Doctor

Doctor Who Series 12: the Judoon return!

When Doctor Who Series 12 returns early next year, the thirteenth Doctor and her companions will face a familiar and fearsome adversary, the Judoon! Twelve years ago the rhino-headed, brutish intergalactic police stomped onto the scene to terrorise the tenth Doctor and Martha Jones on the moon in 2007’s Smith and Jones. “These ruthless enforcers … >

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Blackjack – is it really like in the movies?

Blackjack is an age-old casino game played across the globe by millions of people. It’s excellent fun down at the casinos in Vegas and it provides a great source of entertainment online. It seems that blackjack can do no wrong and its fame continues to grow. It did get a little help from Hollywood though … >

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5 Video Games That Have Become Cult Classics

What’s a cult classic video game? It’s a game that has become a favourite of many without possessing a huge marketing budget, the backing of a major brand, or the familiarity of being based on a famous film, TV show or celebrity. Or, conversely, it’s a game boasting one or all of these things that … >

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Bonding With Fans and Their Reviews

There are three things we can rely on as millennial humans of the earth; Asteria, Netflix and Wi-Fi. With that being said, one of the above has been making international headlines once again and we delve into the intricate workings of a newly released series to have debuted in April 2019. Netflix recently introduced a … >

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Doctor Who ‘The Runaway’ VR Adventure: plot details, headset information

New plot information about the new Doctor Who animated virtual reality adventure The Runaway, have emerged from the director Mathias Chelebourg in SFX magazine. “…you wake up in the TARDIS with [the] Doctor and an unstable ball of energy called the Volta, who may explode at any minute, taking the universe with it.” “[The Volta … >

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