
Ranked: The Most Influential British Game Shows in History

The UK has been a television pioneer in many ways. Aside from the BBC being the oldest continually broadcasted service in history, British producers have created and popularised various forms of television for decades. The first-ever game show, Spelling Bee, was broadcast on British televisions all the way back in 1938, and since then many of the … >

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The Basics of Betting on Football Matches- Revisited

Astute powers of observation, the ability to distinguish patterns and a knowledge of basic math are all that is needed to win big from betting on football matches. Unlike most other forms of gambling, it has very little to do with chance, and offers its players ample ways to win back their money. It is … >

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Sarah Lancashire and the Role of a Lifetime

Sarah Lancashire has always managed to vow audiences with her character portrayals, but her portrayal of Catherine Cawood definitely ranks as one of the best pieces of casting in British cinematic history and is probably the role which will define her life’s work. The announcement that a third season of Happy Valley will follow the … >

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Why Bingo continues to Grow in Popularity in the UK

Bingo has enjoyed a new lease of life in the era of the internet. The large-scale demise of the bingo hall has not stopped this popular game of fortune from reinventing itself. Indeed, once the reserve of an older clientele, bingo is even attracting a younger audience today thanks to the convenience of modern technology. … >

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TV Series That You Need To Be Watching In 2019

With the ubiquitous streaming services available today it has become easier and easier for people to catch their favorite TV shows. You can even relive some of your glory days by watching past TV series. There once was a time that if your favorite show aired late at night, you had to record it and … >

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Don’t Miss These Hot Shows Coming Up

New TV series or new seasons of already successful stories, take a look at the best TV shows to be launched this summer TV Shows You Shouldn’t Miss This Summer Summer Gets Even Hotter with These TV Shows Remember summer when you were a kid? There wasn’t much TV watching then, was it? In case … >

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Top 15 movies that talk about Cybersecurity

Although movies about Cybersecurity are more based on fiction than accuracy, they are still incredibly fun to watch. For anyone who has an interest in hacking and computers, these movies will be an incredibly entertaining watch (albeit taken with a grain of salt due to the inaccuracies that many of these movies portray). We will … >

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