‘Jago and Litefoot’ Season 9 audio boxset review: Big Finish’s ‘Doctor Who’ spin-off

Theatre Impresario Henry Gordon Jago (Christopher Benjamin) and Police Pathologist Professor George Litefoot (Trevor Baxter) were thrown together in the classic Doctor Who tale ‘The Talons of Weng Chiang’. Since 2010, as Victorian investigators of infernal incidents, they have been enjoying a terrific series of audio adventures. The latest boxset sees the pair leave London … >

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‘Doctor Who’ book review: ‘City of Death’ novelisation

As far as classic Doctor Who serials go, ‘City of Death’ is surely one of the most fondly remembered. From its fantastical and romantic score to the imagery of Tom Baker and Lalla Ward running through the streets of actual Paris to the exceptionally mad and delightful Douglas Adams dialogue, it figures in many a … >

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Audio story review: Big Finish’s ‘Terrahawks’ Volume 1

Of all the programmes in the late Gerry Anderson’s back catalogue, Terrahawks is one we were not expecting to be granted an audio afterlife. Originally produced in 1983, it mixed latex puppetry and model effects work with comedy, rather than the more straight laced drama of Stingray or Thunderbirds, to entertain for three season. Being … >

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‘Doctor Who’ audio story review: ‘Requiem for the Rocket Men’ (Big Finish 4th Doctor Adventures 4.03)

The Rocket Men have been one of the most interesting foes created for the Doctor’s audio adventures. This scourge of the galaxy have evoked a Saturday morning picture-serial sensibility with their mercenary antics on two occasions in the Companion Chronicles range. This third outing expands their world, introducing us to “The Asteroid”, a seemingly impregnable … >

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‘The Worlds of Big Finish’ audio story review

Big Finish has released The Worlds of Big Finish, because it can. Over the many years since their first ever audio, many ranges have come and gone, and even if some of them come from the universe of Doctor Who, they don’t rely upon it for their vitality. With The Worlds of Big Finish, writer … >

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‘Blake’s 7’ fan book review: ‘Blake’s Heaven’

Blake’s Heaven, edited by John Davies, is a book written for and by Blake’s 7 fans. It is the latest in a sequence started with You and Who which was the brainchild of JR Southall. Any profits from its release are donated to the BBC’s Children in Need. The idea is simple, have a book … >

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