Hang Ups episode 1 review

Now that Stath Lets Flats series 1 has come to an end, Channel 4 is filling its Wednesday night slot with another brand new comedy. Hang Ups stars Stephen Mangan as a stressed therapist, delivering online therapy sessions to a host of eccentric clients while also trying to deal with his own problems… It’s loosely … >

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Doctor Who: The First Doctor Adventures Volume 2 review

Back as the first Doctor, Susan, Barbara and Ian are David Bradley (now also the first Doctor on TV, courtesy of last year’s Christmas special Twice Upon A Time), Claudia Grant, Jemma Powell and Jamie Glover. Now on their second boxset, they no longer sound strange to the ear, and the set overall feels more polished … >

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Doctor Who: Short Trips – The Darkened Earth review

The July download only Doctor Who: Short Trips story is The Darkened Earth by John Pritchard. Narrated by Miranda Raison, it’s a sixth Doctor story told by his Big Finish companion Mrs Constance Clarke. It’s a simple-seeming story set on Earth and makes Constance challenge her world view – she joined the Doctor from World … >

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Torchwood: Instant Karma review

The latest single disc Torchwood release from Big Finish is the darkly provocative tale Instant Karma. It’s a Toshiko Sato tale, and Naoko Mori is in fine form as she explores the nature of power and tests the adage about absolute power corrupting absolutely. The setup is simple, Toshiko is investigating some strange deaths and … >

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Doctor Who: Hour Of The Cybermen review

In the sixth Doctor story Hour Of The Cybermen, writer Andrew Smith is almost prescient in setting this adventure in a Britain suffering under a drought, though in this case there is no accompanying hot weather, instead water is rationed, lakes are empty, and things are not as they should be when the TARDIS lands … >

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Callan Volume One review

Running on ITV for four series between 1967 and 1972, as well as spawning both a movie and an 80’s TV special, Callan was a hard-hitting spy drama which followed its hero, played by Edward Woodward, in his missions for The Section – a covert government department handling enemies of the state by the most … >

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Doctor Who Short Trips 8.06 – The Siege Of Big Ben review

In the first of two Short Trips, Camille Coduri reprises her role as Rose Tyler’s inimitable mother Jackie, gloriously sharing a few secrets with us over a cheeky splosh of pinot. While this is not Camille Codhuri’s first audio outing, having starred in both the The Ninth Doctor Chronicles and The Lives Of Captain Jack, … >

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Torchwood 22: Goodbye Piccadilly review

This month, Big Finish serves up a sequel of sorts to 2016’s Ghost Mission, which saw Sgt. Andy Davidson paired up with 1950’s Torchwood operative Norton Folgate, played by Samuel Barnett (Dirk Gently, Big Finish’s Cicero). While the first story saw Norton in the present day, ostensibly there to assess Andy’s suitability to join the … >

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