10 times we wanted to be best mates with Donna and the 10th Doctor

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With Catherine Tate returning this month for three new audio adventures and in the new BBC Books novel ‘In the Blood’, let’s look back at some of Donna and the Tenth Doctor’s best moments…


“Great big outer space dunce!” in ‘The Sontaran Stratagem’

When Donna wants to go home and visit her family, the Doctor mistakes it for a more permanent parting of the ways and tries to entice her to stay with the promise of alluring space sights and scenes.


“Santa’s a robot!” in ‘The Runaway Bride’

As memorable Christmas Days go, the Doctor’s daring rescue of Donna from a moving taxi, driven by a roboform Father Christmas, is one of the most exciting.


“Tell me there’s no Noddy!” in ‘The Unicorn and the Wasp’

The whole of this story is packed with fun, but it’s tough to beat Donna’s incredulity at appearing to be in a real life game of Cluedo.


The DoctorDonna in ‘Journey’s End’ 

There might not have been a two way biological meta-crisis before, but who better to become part Time Lord than Donna Noble, the best temp in Chiswick?

It may have all ended in tears, but we can still treasure those moments when she foiled the Daleks, saved the universe and returned all the planets they had stolen.


The mime scene in ‘Partners in Crime’ 

After a lengthy search, culminating in the two almost crossing paths countless times during the episode, Donna finally claps eyes on the Doctor again. Both outside the room where Miss Foster (Sarah Lancashire) is doing her worst, she is forced to communicate her excitement through the medium of mime.


> Buy the complete Season 4 box set on Amazon.

What’s your favourite moment featuring Donna and the 10th Doctor? Let us know below…

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