Cultbox has new information about the main threat in the fifth episode of Doctor Who Series 11, The Tsuranga Conundrum plus new photos from BBC America.
First, the guest cast list:
New information from TV & Satellite Week magazine:
[Eve] Packer plays General Eve Cicero, a former heroic space fighter pilot, who we meet in a futuristic hospital with her brother Durkas and robot servant Ronan.
The description from the magazine continues:
The Doctor and her companions Graham, Yasmin and Ryan are incapacitated and recovering at the same hospital after being caught up in a ‘sonic mine’ explosion on a planet that’s piled high with junk.
Two hospital medics Astos and Mabli are treating them.
The magazine goes on to describe the main threat:
However, there’s no rest and recuperation at the hospital as the TARDIS travellers, the medical staff and other patients – including a pregnant man, Yoss who’s about to give birth – come under attack by from a small, ferocious creature known as a Pting.
Further information from the magazine:
Meanwhile, at the heart of the mystery is something called the Tsuranga Conundrum…
…this adventure sees the team rely on each other more than ever before as they try to solve a series of tricky clues to defeat the deadly critter.
A “critter” called a Pting? That and the reported size of the monster doesn’t sound especially threatening.
However, the risk to life is “absolute”, according to the official synopsis.
Neither photos nor footage of the Pting show up in any of the official promotional material for The Tsuranga Conundrum. It seems we’ll have wait to see the Pting when the episode airs on Sunday, November 4, 7:00 p.m. on BBC One and 8:00 p.m. on BBC America.