A stingier-than-usual set of images for Saturday’s Doctor Who finale – The Doctor Falls – has been released by the BBC. There’s plenty for Missy/Master fans, though.
Usually around this time of the week our interweb lines are creaking under the strain of a mahoosive BBC pic dump for the Doctor Who episode coming the following Saturday. Not this week, though.
As perhaps befits an eagerly awaited finale, however, WhoCorp. has been a little less forthcoming than usual with it’s preview images the time around.
Now the cat is well and truly out of the bag, the majority of the images show confrontations between the two incarnations of The Master and The Doctor. Frankly, we’re okay with that. It’s interesting that they largely seem confrontational, considering some of the other promo material hints that there may be some kind of detente between the trio to face off with the Cybermen.
Who knows, eh? Who nose? Well, we all will come 7.31pm Saturday…
Another notable image gives us a look at Samantha Spiro’s character, Hazran, details of which also made it out into the wild this week. following much speculation. Not least from us. Can’t be right all the time, eh?
Anyway. Here are the pics… Enjoy…