On BBC Radio 6 with Shaun Keaveny on 2 September, Jodie Whittaker described the joy of being a part of Doctor Who and confirmed that she is still filming.

In the actress’ first interview since announcing that she’s leaving the programme after three series, Keaveny asked her, “Are there any standout moments amongst the standout moments of you filming Doctor Who?”
“This is the joy of the show,” Whittaker answered. “There would probably be a documentary filled with ‘that’s a standout moment. Oh wait, no – oh no, wait!’ But I’d say the two headline highlights for me are me having a brand new family of cast and crew and making a set of mates for life in an environment where we have such joy going into work every day and we’re part of something so amazing. And, you know, we’ve been handed the baton and we’re really holding on tight to it! I’ll be very, very wrapped and white knuckling if anyone tries to take it off me just yet! I’m still filming!”
“But then also, on the outside of it” Whittaker added, “seeing how much it means to, you know, to Doctor Who fans of old – to new Whovians – to people who’ve, you know, kind of gone away and revisited. Whatever their stage of Whovian journey they’re in. Just being even half a second in that has been really exciting cos you just – it means so much to so many different people and now I’m a part of this. For me, it’s gonna be the best thing I’ve ever done! I’ve loved it. I’ve loved every second. I’m still loving it. I’m still doing it. Don’t write me out just yet!”
Whittaker has commenced filming a ninth episode of Doctor Who in addition to the eight she has already filmed since November of 2020. This last bit of filming for the actress is for a special which will be shown during the celebration of the BBC’s centenary in late 2022.
Doctor Who Series 13 will consist of six episodes of a single story. The series is scheduled to air in autumn of 2021.
There will be three additional specials in 2022, airing on New Year’s Day, spring, and a BBC Centenary special in Autumn which will be the last for Jodie Whittaker’s thirteenth Doctor.