The three-part prime-time series revolves around a small seaside hamlet in the north of England which once enjoyed a heyday as the “stick-of-rock” capital of Britain.
Written and created by Jodi Reynolds and Sally Dexter, the cast also includes Shaun Dooley (Five Days), Tom Ellis (Miranda) and Philip Jackson.
Sugartown is the story of Burr’s rock factory. Owner Jason Burr (Dooley) is fighting to stay afloat, but then his brother Max (Ellis), the prodigal son, returns with re-development plans. However Max isn’t interested in buckets and spades; he wants frappucino’s, boutique hotels and hip bars. The tight-knit community don’t want this and soon enough battle lines are drawn.
Executive producer Kate Croft says: “Sugartown is a passion piece, combining wry humour with escapism, in the form of fantastical colourful dance sequences.”