Zygon Century – new audio anthology series announced for 2025

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Doctor Who‘s shapeshifters are coming with a hundred-year plan to claim the Earth from humanity. 

Audio producers Big Finish have been doing a fine job of celebrating the golden anniversaries of the Whoniverse over the past few years. While the series itself turned fifty back in 2013, other elements of the show are naturally reaching that same anniversary as the years roll on.

In 2022, the planet of Peladon was celebrated, last year, it was the endless Sontaran/Rutan conflict. Tom Baker’s glorious 4th Doctor has a special story coming later this year too.

For 2025, it’s the turn of the Zygons. The insidious shapeshifters first appeared on screen back in 1975’s ‘Terror of the Zygons’, where their incursion involved attacking oil rigs off the Scottish coast. They were also inadvertently responsible for the Loch Ness Monster.

With a terrific organic design, and technology to match, they remained a fan favourite despite that single outing in the classic series run.

The Zygon Invasion

In the modern era, they returned for Doctor Who‘s 50th anniversary special, as well as enjoying their own two-parter with the Twelfth Doctor and his UNIT allies.

Zygon Century

Big Finish intend to celebrate the Zygon menace with a slow burning story threat which plays out over a period of a hundred years.

The Zygons have come to claim the Earth, and this time they’re playing the long game. For the Black Cadre have a plan, a plan that will take exactly one hundred years to come to fruition. Prepare yourselves… the Zygon Century has begun!

The secrets of this invasion will be revealed as Zygon Century progresses, though it is primarily an anthology series, with each episode set in a different year over the course of the alien incursion and telling its own complete story.

Zygon Century


The first Zygon Century box set, released in January 2025, is titled Infiltration. It includes a turn of the century occult horror, a Cornish folk tale like no other, and an Ian Fleming-inspired action adventure.

The three stories in the box set are:

‘1901: The Unknowing Mirror’ by Jonathan Barnes
‘1935: The Miracle of Pendour Cove’ by Lauren Mooney and Stewart Pringle
‘1957: Double Agent’ by Trevor Baxendale

Producer Jonathan S Powell explained:

“Zygon Century is a hugely exciting sandbox to play in. The Zygons are such endlessly fascinating creations: shape-changers, unusually vulnerable to bullets and, despite their unnatural appearance, capable of the same humanity as we are. Which means there are so many wonderful stories to tell.

“As an anthology series, each writer-led episode has its own unique genre, style and story, tackling a different year of our century-long Zygon invasion. But just what are the Zygons planning for humanity that will take them 100 years?”

The Worlds of Doctor Who – Zygon Century: Infiltration is now available to pre-order. It’s available as a collector’s edition CD box set (+ download), or on download only, exclusively from Big Finish.

We’ll keep you posted on Zygon Century as more details emerge.