Tom Baker (‘Doctor Who’ on Horror Channel) interview

Classic episodes of Doctor Who begin airing on the Horror Channel today, launching with the very first story, ‘An Unearthly Child’, followed by one story from each of the first seven Doctors over the Easter weekend. Double-bills of classic Doctor Who will then air in daytime and evening slots each day in chronological order starting … >

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‘Doctor Who: The Doctor – His Lives and Times’ book review

The world of Doctor Who has a fine tradition of anniversary publications. Given the level scrutiny the show has enjoyed in recent years, the trick is to find a unique angle to approach the material with. Wonderfully, BBC Books have achieved just that with The Doctor – His Lives and Times.

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‘Doctor Who’: ‘The Crimson Horror’ review

Lawks a mercy! That was a camp confection and no mistake!

As a writer, Mark Gatiss doesn’t so much wear his influences on his sleeve as parade them like a popinjay. So it should come as no surprise that he is singularly suited to assembling such a preposterous patchwork of period pastiche.

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Win classic ‘Doctor Who’ boxsets!

Featuring the classic Doctor Who adventures Invasion of the Dinosaurs and The Android Invasion, the UNIT Files boxset is released on Monday 9th January. > Buy the boxset on Amazon. To celebrate, we’ve got 3 copies of the boxset to give away! For a chance to win, just follow CultBox on Twitter and tweet the … >

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Win a set of the latest ‘Doctor Who’ goodies, worth over over £330!

What a year it’s been for Doctor Who! To celebrate, we’ve got this huge stack of brand new Doctor Who goodies to give away to one very lucky winner, worth over £330… Doctor Who: Complete Series 6 DVD boxset (RRP £51.05)Featuring all 13 episodes of Series 6, the 2010 Christmas special and a host of … >

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