Rewind: ‘Space: 1999’ revisited

If, like myself, your earliest television memories include Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor, Bruce Banner’s transformation into the Incredible Hulk and the terrifying combination of Rod Hull and Emu, then it’s likely that lodged somewhere in the back of your mind will be images from the mid-‘70s sci-fi adventure series Space: 1999. Executively produced by Thunderbirds … >

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What are the cast of ‘Torchwood’ doing now?

Outside the government and beyond the police, Torchwood were ready to fight the future on behalf of the human race for four seasons across 2006 to 2011 before the team was put on indefinite hiatus at the end of US/UK co-production Miracle Day. Thankfully, those good people at Big Finish have begun to reunite the … >

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Sapphire & Steel

Sapphire & Steel rewind: A look back at the ’70s British sci-fi fantasy series

“All irregularities will be handled by the forces controlling each dimension. Transuranic heavy elements may not be used where there is life. Medium atomic weights are available: Gold, Lead, Copper, Jet, Diamond, Radium, Sapphire, Silver and Steel. Sapphire and Steel have been assigned.” In an exciting development reported last month, Luther creator and Doctor Who … >

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Rewind: ‘Bugs’ revisited

If you’re a kid of the ‘90s you may remember that Saturday evenings were all about Bugs, a sci-fi action show that ran for 40 episodes over four years on BBC One in the midst of Doctor Who‘s ‘wilderness years’ between 1995 and 1999. The show arguably filled a slot in the televisual landscape, giving … >

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10 movie and TV characters who are obviously Time Lords

I’m not going to lie; this is going to get very weird, very quickly. You see, the Time Lords chose never to interfere in the affairs of the lesser species. As we saw in the final episode of ‘The War Games’, the punishment for disobeying that rule was harsh: a telling-off, a new head, and … >

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5 reasons you should be watching ‘Community’

US comedy Community returned to the UK earlier this month with its second season, airing on Tuesday nights on Sony Entertainment TV. It’s a spectacularly funny show but if you’ve never heard of it or seen it we can’t blame you: the first season aired without fanfare on music channel Viva, and even in its … >

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