Doctor Who: The Trials of a Time Lord – audio box set review

Old Sixie is back for a tale which features enemies from all across his era.  This year, Big Finish are celebrating Colin Baker’s four decades as the Sixth Doctor. They’ve done this with two longer tales, each bringing in elements from his time onscreen and his many audio dramas. The first audio box set, The … >

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Warzone/Conversion cover artwork

Warzone / Conversion – Doctor Who Monthly Adventures 258 audio review

‘Warzone’ and ‘Conversion’, a double header of linked two-parters, close the current monthly adventures storyline. Travelling with Tegan, Nyssa and new companion Marc, the Fifth Doctor finds himself involved in first a deadly race and then seeking out an old foe. Warzone The TARDIS lands amid what they fear is a battle, before realising it … >

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Doctor Who: Hour Of The Cybermen review

In the sixth Doctor story Hour Of The Cybermen, writer Andrew Smith is almost prescient in setting this adventure in a Britain suffering under a drought, though in this case there is no accompanying hot weather, instead water is rationed, lakes are empty, and things are not as they should be when the TARDIS lands … >

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