Christopher Chung joins Doctor Who Season Two

Australian actor Christopher Chung joins the cast of Doctor Who Season Two as a character known as Cassio Palin-Paleen, Trooper One. He will meet the Doctor (Ncuti Gatwa) and new companion Belinda Chandra (Varada Sethu) for a thrilling adventure in the forthcoming second season – described by showrunner Russell T Davies as one of the … >

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Doctor Who Exec Julie Gardener of Bad Wolf.

Doctor Who: Bad Wolf executive talks on good relationship with Disney

On the Radio Free Skaro podcast recorded at the Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles, California on 14 February 2025, Bad Wolf executive Julie Gardner relayed a positive outlook regarding Bad Wolf’s co-production partner Disney, which streams Doctor Who on Disney+. “I live in America now and so I look after mostly the Disney relationship … >

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Doctor Who sounds from Radiophonic Workshop archive now available

In collaboration with BBC Studios, Spitfire Audio will offer BBC Radiophonic Workshop’s historical collection of music and sound from Doctor Who. Spitfire offers a sampling of sounds from the Doctor Who theme to the sound the TARDIS makes when it materializes to the voice of the Daleks. The archive is now publicly available for the … >

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Doctor Who series 2 - Ncuti Gatwa as the Doctor

Bad Wolf executive teases Doctor Who Season Two

On the Radio Free Skaro podcast recorded at the Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles, California on 14 February, Bad Wolf executive Julie Gardner enthused about Doctor Who Season Two — which will hit screens in April 2025. “I’m just really excited for Season Two. I mean, obviously, I would say that but I think … >

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The Ninth Doctor Adventures

The Ninth Doctor and Rose reunite for a new audio drama series

Big Finish announced a series of audio adventures starring Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper.  Twenty years ago, Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper reinvigorated Saturday evenings with their starring roles on Doctor Who. As the traumatised Ninth Doctor and his new companion Rose Tyler, the pair visited the end of the world, met Charles Dickens and … >

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Billie Piper & David Tennant in Doctor Who 'Fear Her'

Missing Tenth Doctor story ‘Fear Her’ returns to BBC iPlayer

2006’s ‘Fear Her’ has been revoiced, removing the disgraced broadcaster Huw Edwards.  Updated 16/02/25: As the Tenth Doctor would doubtless say… “I’m Sorry, I’m So Sorry.” For reasons as yet unexplained, ‘Fear Her’ is temporarily unavailable again, with the iPlayer link diverting to an episode listing on the main BBC website instead. We’ll keep you … >

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Doctor Who The Tenth Planet vinyl cover art

Doctor Who adventure ‘The Tenth Planet’ to be released on vinyl

The First Doctor’s final adventure gets an exclusive audio vinyl release on Record Store Day, April 2025. The Tenth Planet, the Doctor Who story which introduced the iconic Cybermen, will be available for the first time on double vinyl from Demon Records. This narrated BBC soundtrack adventure, first broadcast in 1966, includes the show’s first … >

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