The Walking Dead - Here's Negan

The Walking Dead: Here’s Negan review

The extended season ten of zombie serial The Walking Dead comes to an extraordinary, and completely compelling, conclusion with the much-anticipated backstory episode “Here’s Negan”. Ever since his character’s introduction in the season six finale, Negan has been one of the powerhouse figures in the series. For several seasons Negan remained monstrous and appalling; a … >

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The Walking Dead: Jeffrey Dean Morgan talks Rick’s exit

Low ratings be damned, The Walking Dead season nine is still ploughing ahead to Andrew Lincoln’s exit and star Jeffrey Dean Morgan has been chatting about it… Speaking at New York Comic Con to Digital Spy and other members of the press, Morgan had nothing but praise for the way Rick will ultimately go out: “[He liked] … >

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The Walking Dead: Negan spin-off is a possibility

The Walking Dead has already birthed one spin-off and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, the man behind its most terrifying villain has been chatting about the possibility of Negan getting his own series… In a set interview with TV Guide and other members of the press, Morgan said, “For two years I’ve talked to [The Walking Dead chief content … >

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