Classic Doctors New Monsters 5 Faithful Friends

Classic Doctors New Monsters 5: Faithful Friends audio review

The latest blending of Doctor Who eras brings us the Krillitaine, the Lupari and the Monks.  Big Finish’s Classic Doctors New Monsters range returns for its fifth outing, providing more occasions for earlier Doctors to encounter creatures from the post-2005 series. In Faithful Friends, the genetic ability acquiring Krillitaine of ‘School Reunion’ return in two … >

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Covers revealed for new Doctor Who Target Books novelisations

Two more New Series Target books and new versions of two classic Tom Baker Doctor Who stories.   Before VHS, DVDs and streaming, novelisations were the only way for fans to experience Doctor Who stories they had not seen broadcast live. Many encountered the earliest Doctors in prose, years before they saw them onscreen. While the … >

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Doctor Who – The Eighth Of March: Protectors of Time review

For International Women’s Day 2022, Big Finish have created three more adventures led by Doctor Who‘s female heroes.  Back in 2019, Big Finish celebrated International Women’s day with a special release: The Eighth of March. It took the opportunity to bring some of the Doctor’s female allies to the fore in adventures of their own. … >

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Doctor Who: The Doomsday Contract cover art

The Doomsday Contract – Doctor Who The Lost Stories 6.2 audio review

The Doomsday Contract was a storyline originally developed during Douglas Adams tenure as Doctor Who Script Editor. Written by his friend and sometime Hitchhiker’s Guide collaborator John Lloyd, it was put aside when the writer became too busy with other work. Now, approximately forty-two years later, drawing on two original synopsis documents, adaptor Nev Fountain … >

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K9 joins River Song for Big Finish adventure

The Doctor’s robot dog K9 will meet the Doctor’s wife, time-travelling archaeologist and adventurer River Song, in the adventure Forever Home, as part of  Series 8 of Big Finish’s audio drama The Diary of River Song. Alex Kingston (River Song) will star alongside Salome Haertel (android Rachel), Derek Griffiths (24th century war criminal, Annam Henic), … >

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Doctor Who Shadow of the Sun cover

Doctor Who: Shadow of the Sun audio review

Big Finish recorded Shadow of the Sun entirely in lockdown, and released it as well — something for which they should be congratulated. It’s a Fourth Doctor tale, with Leela and K9 in the TARDIS as it lands on a luxury star-liner. For once the only threat is conversation over canapés and cocktails — what could … >

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