‘Doctor Who’: ‘The Sun Makers’ DVD review
You could guarantee the existence of Doctor Who in the seventies, come strikes, droughts, changes of government or comedians defecting to ITV. And usually, like ‘The Sun Makers’, it was pretty damn good.
You could guarantee the existence of Doctor Who in the seventies, come strikes, droughts, changes of government or comedians defecting to ITV. And usually, like ‘The Sun Makers’, it was pretty damn good.
2entertain have announced the extras for the upcoming classic Doctor Who DVD release ‘ The Sun Makers’, starring Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor.
‘Genesis Of The Daleks’, that perennial Doctor Who fan favourite, is here released yet again, this time with a vintage look to encourage the completists to shell out once more.
2entertain have announced the extras for the upcoming 2-disc DVD release of classic 1976 Doctor Who story ‘Seeds Of Doom‘.
This latest DVD release from the Doctor Who archives sees Tom Baker’s Doctor arriving on Gallifrey after receiving a vision of the President of the Time Lord’s assassination.