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Doctor Who and the Ark – The Lost Stories 7.1 audio review

Big Finish adapt an earlier draft of the tale which eventually became ‘The Ark in Space’.  You’d be hard pressed to find a Doctor Who fan who doesn’t hold ‘The Ark in Space’ in high esteem. However, Tom Baker’s second story came to the screen via a rather tortured path. Initially penned by another writer, … >

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Doctor Who Lost Stories - Genesis of Terror Big Finish cover art crop

Daleks! Genesis of Terror – Doctor Who The Lost Stories audio review

Big Finish explore Terry Nation’s original plans for the story which became the classic Genesis of the Daleks.  Over the years, audio producers Big Finish have breathed life into numerous lost Doctor Who Stories. Drawing on a variety of sources, such as unmade scripts and proposed storylines which never entered production, they’ve unearthed some gems … >

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Doctor Who Once and Future 1 - Past Lives Special Edition cover

Doctor Who – Once and Future: Past Lives audio review

Big Finish begin their audio celebration of Doctor Who’s 60th anniversary with Once and Future: Past Lives, a Tom Baker led tale that involves the Meddling Monk and modern-day UNIT. With the Doctor struck by a degeneration weapon, he’s sent spinning through a cascade of old faces before settling on his Fourth incarnation. Believing the … >

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Once and Future: Doctor Who 60th Anniversary audio series begins

Once and Future: Past Lives kicks of the Big Finish Doctor Who anniversary celebrations.  Updated 03/05/23: It’s release day for Once and Future: Past Lives. Big Finish’s Doctor Who 60th anniversary celebrations start today with the first part of Once and Future. The multi-part, multi Doctor series releases monthly and will feature various actors who … >

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The Fourth Doctor Adventures: New Frontiers audio review

As he begins his twelfth series of audio adventures, Tom Baker’s Doctor returns for Margaret Hopwood. New Frontiers is the latest box set of tales featuring Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor and Louise Jameson as Leela. Despite sharing only nine onscreen adventures together, the pair have become an enduring Doctor Who combination on audio. However, this … >

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The Fourth Doctor Adventures – Tom Baker meets Ronald Pickup

Thanks to the vagaries of time travel (and early recording), the late actor appears in the Fourth Doctor’s next box set of audio adventures. Big Finish have dropped details of 2023’s second box set of The Fourth Doctor Adventures: Angels and Demons. In it, Tom Baker’s Doctor, with Leela (Louise Jameson) and new companion Margaret … >

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Caitlin Blackwood returns as Amelia Pond for Big Finish (updated)

A teenage Amelia encounters Missy and Leela meets Marie Curie in a new audio drama boxset for International Women’s Day – The Eighth of March: Strange Chemistry.  Updated 05/03/23: Ahead of the box set’s release this week, there’s now a trailer abroad. It gives us a first chance to hear Catlin Blackwood as the teenage … >

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Doctor Who 60 Years Logo

Once and Future – Big Finish confirm DW 60th Anniversary series guests

Doctor Who: Once and Future will feature the final performance of David Warner as the Doctor.  Back in November, audio producers revealed their plans for Doctor Who‘s 60th Anniversary year; Once and Future promises an epic multi-Doctor, multi-part adventure to celebrate the show’s six decades. Revealing the story’s intriguing premise, their original announcement confirmed the … >

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Doctor Who Lost Stories - Genesis of Terror Big Finish cover art crop

Doctor Who – The Lost Stories – more reimagined Tom Baker audio tales

Big Finish are bringing us two further alternate takes on familiar tales from the Fourth Doctor’s first season.  With most of the best-known “lost” Doctor Who stories now produced on audio – that’s stories which for one reason or another originally didn’t make it to the small screen – audio producers Big Finish have begun … >

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