Articles by:

David Somerset

Title: Best Student Movies on Netflix

Are you a movie fan, but your list of movies has come to an end, and now you have nothing to watch? Hurry up to check the list box of the best student movies on Netflix in different years.   If you have already ordered you assignment from a science homework helper and need a … >

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6 of the finest moments in British TV comedy history

Photo by A Perry on Unsplash Britain might be famous for being a cold, rainy island in the North Atlantic, where the sun often disappears for weeks, but there’s one thing the country does do well — create good comedy. Although the British sense of humour can be eccentric, and maybe conceited sometimes (other nations … >

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Things Narcos Taught Us about Pablo Escobar

  Pablo Escobar was one of the most notorious drug lords in the world and similarly the Netflix series Narcos is one of the greatest crime shows ever. Pablo Escobar rose to become a powerful Colombian mafioso in the 1980s and Narcos is a perfect televised version of his crazy life. Narcos was shot mostly … >

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The End of TV as We Know It: Long Live TV!

Just as “Video killed the radio star” in 1979, the internet killed traditional television. No longer do we gather around at a scheduled time on a Thursday evening to watch the latest episode of Friends. DVDs and box sets gather dust on shelves. Bars are emptier during sporting events as people instead stream the match … >

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Revolutionary Technologies Used in Online Casinos

In the modern world, we cannot take a step without making technology part of it. It is no wonder that more and more casino owners and game manufacturers pay special attention to state-of-the-art digital solutions. Using special devices and methods, they allow gamers to get into a real gambling establishment, where the fictional world of … >

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The Best Movie-Themed Slots of the Year!

  There is no running away from blockbuster movie tie-ins and the merchandise, games, party themes, and even casino games it produces. If you are a casino games player, you should already appreciate the far that game developers go to create slots based on hit movies. Some games became instant hits, just like the movies … >

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How Jane Fonda keeps her body in shape?

Jane Fonda, 82, is well known as an actress. While she appeared in a lot of movies earlier in her career, she is currently recognized as Grace Hanson in the series Grace and Frankie, available on Netflix. How Does She Stay Healthy Her basic philosophy about staying healthy is to not slow down. Fonda was … >

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Classic Blackjack Scenes from the Silver Screen

here have been some notable blackjack scenes from the silver screen. Not all blackjack scenes are card counting either, there have been some superb comedy blackjack scenes too!   Blackjack is one of the classic casino games and one of the easiest to understand how to play. For this reason, it often gets included a … >

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