‘Doctor Who’ poll results: Top 11 cult writers you’d like to do an episode
CultBox recently ran a poll asking you tell to us which cult writers you would like to take a crack at penning a Doctor Who script. Here’s how over 4,500 of you voted…
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CultBox recently ran a poll asking you tell to us which cult writers you would like to take a crack at penning a Doctor Who script. Here’s how over 4,500 of you voted…
From the creators of Merlin and the creator of Misfits, BBC One’s new adventure series Atlantis continues this weekend with ‘Twist of Fate’.
After Doctor Who fell from favour at the BBC in 1985, it returned from hiatus in a truncated season comprising a mere fourteen episodes, back in the native 25 minute format.
Episode 3 of Atlantis begins with some amusing banter on the subject of Hercules’ affections for Medusa, but this is soon interrupted. In the act of stepping up to defend an old man, Jason lands the trio in front of King Minos.
After interrogation scenes with the gleefully uncooperative journalist, who was caught last time cooking something suspicious, his presence in photos led the team to raid an illicit dining club.
From the creators of Merlin and the creator of Misfits, BBC One’s new adventure series Atlantis continues this weekend with ‘A Boy of No Consequence’.
Episodes of Doctor Who that deal with a key historical figure are often some of the highlights of any given series, with The Girl in the Fireplace, The Unquiet Dead, Vincent and the Doctor and Day of the Moon typifying this point.
Following our previous Top 5 list, here we consider which other memorable historical figures remain for the show to explore…
Opening with a pounding forest action scene, this second episode of Atlantis exists primarily to introduce a further addition to the cast; Jemima Rooper makes her first impression with a slow turn to camera and a terrific scream.
Revised and with a new introduction, ‘Blue Box Boy’ is the memoir of Doctor Who actor Matthew Waterhouse who played Adric, the teen companion who joined Tom Baker during his final series and continued into Peter Davison’s first before being memorably killed off.
From the creators of Merlin and the creator of Misfits, BBC One’s new adventure series Atlantis continues this weekend with ‘A Girl By Any Other Name’.