Top 5 Studio Ghibli characters
To celebrate this week’s release of My Neighbour Totoro and Castle of Cagliostro on Blu-ray in, we’ve picked out our favourite characters from Studio Ghibli.
To celebrate this week’s release of My Neighbour Totoro and Castle of Cagliostro on Blu-ray in, we’ve picked out our favourite characters from Studio Ghibli.
We’ve compiled a list of all the movies featured in BBC Four’s recent Horror Europa With Mark Gatiss documentary that are currently available in the UK.
Manchester: Britain’s real second city, the first industrial metropolis and capital of football. And home to some of the greatest telly ever made.
Every Bond movie has at least someone – baddie, girl, minion or traitor – who buys the farm in an ‘innovative’ method. Here are ten of our favourites.
Over the years, the Doctor has travelled with a range of companions. Here we present five companions that never were…
When you are travelling the universe with a Time Lord, sometimes it can take a lot to make you stop. Other times you just wander off or fall in love, staying behind with someone you’ve barely met. Ahead of Amy and Rory’s departure from Doctor Who this weekend in ‘The Angels Take Manhattan’, we take … >
Amongst all the superheroes, rom-coms and horrors, each year a couple of new sports movies take a pitch at the big screen.
With increasing availability of on-demand TV series and dedicated TV channels, this autumn you’ve got no excuse not to catch up on those much-hyped shows you’ve always meant to get around to watching.
Who will be following in the footsteps of Michael Keaton, George Clooney, Val Kilmer (shudder) and, of course, Christian Bale to take up the mantle of the caped crusader?
Last weekend Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat discussed the idea of one day having a female Doctor, saying that “the more often it’s talked about, the more often it is likely to happen some day”, in a soundbite that had fans eager to pass the time waiting for Asylum of the Daleks rushing to their … >