The Eighth Doctor: Time War Volume 1 – Doctor Who audio review

When Doctor Who returned to television, the “Time War” was a masterstroke; side-stepping years of continuity, it allowed new viewers to learn about the Doctor’s past alongside his die-hard fans. Through a drip feed of titbits, passing references and old enemies in subsequent years, this backstory built inexorably towards Gallifrey’s climatic return in time for … >

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Doctor Who Short Trips: The Ingenious Gentleman Adric Of Alzarius review

Big Finish’s Doctor Who Short Trips range continues with Matthew Waterhouse narrating The Ingenious Gentleman Adric Of Alzarius, a fifth Doctor, Adric (of course), Nyssa and Tegan story. As the synopsis hints, writer Julian Richards takes Adric to a mythic landscape, where there be giants (or perhaps windmills), an evil enchanter, a hero in the … >

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Blake’s 7 Crossfire Part 1 review

Blake’s 7 are back on audio in the form of Vila, Avon, Cally, Tarrant, Zen, Orac and Dayna, with Yasmin Bannerman now cast in place of Josette Simon, who declined to return to the role. This boxset marks the start of a set under the banner of Crossfire, and does a good job of introducing … >

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The End of the F***ing World episode 1 & 2 review

  This 8-parter doesn’t hang about, with both protagonists well establlished in the first episode using a Peep Show narrative styling. Alex Lawther and Jessica Barden are beautifully awkward, slightly scary, both a little scarred (albeit it in different ways) and, while they are not necessarily likeable characters, there’s something there to keep you invested … >

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