Star Trek Discovery episode 5 review: Choose Your Pain
Here’s our spoiler-filled look at Star Trek Discovery’s fifth instalment.
Here’s our spoiler-filled look at Star Trek Discovery’s fifth instalment.
Last week Rellik managed to tell a tangential but highly interesting little story of sex, family, sex with family, and blatant trophy misuse. This week we’re back on the main plot thread, on the trail of the real acid killer, and rewinding back through a pivotal moment in Gabriel Markham’s life. It’s arguably the second … >
Since its revival in 2015, Terrahawks – the audio continuation of Gerry Anderson and Christopher Burr’s 1980’s puppet show – has delivered two impressive series packed full of entertaining call backs, appallingly bad puns and some not-so-subtle digs at the wider Anderson universe.
Rellik‘s proving to be the kind of competent, grimace-to-the-drizzle, crime drama that the BBC’s been doing well for decades, but the longer it goes on the more it exposes its biggest problem: time. And I’m not talking about the scheduling – although it’s being well-beaten by its 9pm rival, Liar, over on ITV – nor … >
To paraphrase the song: ’it’s been a long time comin’, but a change is gonna come’. Star Trek fans have waited a long time for the show to return to their TVs. It’s twelve years since Enterprise insulted its previous 97 instalments in the so-called ‘prime’ timeline by winding down with holodeck episode. Yes, there … >
The Companion Chronicles, Big Finish’s series of stories narrated by the Doctor’s fellow travellers, continues with a second volume focussed on the First Doctor era.
Here’s our spoiler-filled review of Rellik, episode 2.
Here’s our spoiler-filled review of the new BBC crime drama, Rellik.
The sixth series of Fourth Doctor adventures concludes with a four-part story, straddled arcoss two months, from master storyteller Marc Platt.
Here’s our spoiler-filled review of the finale of Strike – The Cuckoo’s Calling.