‘The Scandalous Lady W’ review: Scandal is relative

Scandal. It’s a big, juicy, prickly word, especially when you preface it with ‘sex’. And that’s just what we have here in The Scandalous Lady W, a sex scandal from the yellowed, mysteriously stuck-together pages of history, thrust onto TV in typical BBC period costume glory. Natalie Dormer (a keen participant in Games to do … >

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‘Yonderland’ Season 2 Episode 6 review: ‘Game of Crones’

This week’s episode of Yonderland had me in such stitches over a few of its more grown-up oriented gags and references, and I’m certain that were I myself a parent, there would have been plenty my hypothetical sprogs would have laughed along to as well. Tasked this time first with intrducing coffee to the Elders … >

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‘Ripper Street’ Season 3 Episode 2 review: ‘The Beating of Her Wings’

After the explosive events of Season 3’s opener, it is clear that Ripper Street has no intention of taking its foot off the accelerator. While continuing to explore Long Susan’s outwardly philanthropic business Obsidian Estates, this episode grapples with one of the show’s long-standing mysteries. When Obsidian’s repugnant lawyer Capshaw (John Heffernan) visits a defaulting … >

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‘Impossible’ review: A great night out at new West End magic show

Londons’s West End has a history of enthralling magic shows which has seen daring performances from the likes of Harry Houdini, Penn & Teller and, erm, Paul Daniels. With CGI making audiences ever more cynical about what’s real, you’d be forgiven for thinking magic shows had become extinct. But this month, magic and illusion have … >

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‘Yonderland’ Season 2 Episode 5 review: ‘Nanny La Roo’

Things take an emotional turn in Yonderland this week as Debbie explores her own history. The prophecy of the second scroll prompts the Elders’ decision to evict Debbie from Yonderland, thus preventing her falling to the influence of her sister, Imperatrix. Debbie’s not ready to give up on Yonderland, though – especially having just learned … >

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4 questions to answer for an interesting book review

A book review can possibly be one of the more hackneyed requirements in your English or Humanities class. After reading a novel or a collection of poems, it is very likely that your teacher will articulate the expected and yet highly dreaded: make a book review. Outside the premises of the school, there is a … >

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‘Agent Carter’ Episode 4 review: ‘The Blitzkrieg Button’

Things are difficult enough for Agent Peggy Carter – a single working woman in 1940s New York keeping her role as secret agent hidden from the world, not to mention keeping her real agenda hidden from the rest of the SSR. So in hindsight it’s perhaps unfortunate that she’s added to her problems by moving … >

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