Big Finish - Torchwood - The Vigil - front cover

Torchwood: The Vigil review

Thrown together through the luck-of-the-draw of the Torchwood recruitment process, this pair of newbie investigators could hardly be more ill-matched. Toshiko Sato is diligent, attentive, meticulous and aims to excel in everything she’s asked to do. Her fellow recruit Sebastian Vaughan is something else entirely. Born into a family of wealth and privilege, Sebastian is … >

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Audio Review: Doctor Who Short Trips 9.9 – Dead Media

‘Dead Media’, the latest Big Finish Short Trip, features the character of the Twelfth Doctor. While it is not the first, that honour belongs to ‘The Astrea Conspiracy’, this release is special as it is the first performed in the Doctor’s voice, in this case by actor Jacob Dudman. Presented as a podcast, the Doctor … >

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Audio Review: Doctor Who Monthly Adventures 256 – Tartarus

September’s second monthly adventure, ‘Tartarus’, provides a good, old fashioned crossover, as Fifth Doctor meets his hero Marcus Tullius Cicero. Reprising the role from his own series, Cicero is again played by Samuel Barnett (Dirk Gently, Torchwood). Set in 63BC, Cicero is Consul of Rome and taking a judicious break from his duties. Inviting themselves … >

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Space 1999 - Breakaway - Big Finish

Space: 1999 Breakaway review

The latest 1970s genre property to receive the Big Finish audio makeover treatment is the hugely fondly remembered interstellar epic Space: 1999 – the opening episode of which is retold here infused with a strong contemporary ethos and tone that remains respectful but not reverential to the original source material. The second live action series … >

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The Diary of River Song Series 6 review

River Song ends her grand tour of all Doctors past in four new full-cast adventures, intersecting with the first four Doctors. Technically River has already met the Fourth Doctor in this series, but who’s counting? In this sixth (and at least one more is coming) set of stories, the team of writers has excelled themselves … >

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Audio Review: Rose Tyler – The Dimension Cannon

From her surprise reappearance in ‘Partners in Crime’ to their dramatic reunion, Doctor Who teased Rose’s return throughout Series 4. The Dimension Cannon box set fills that gap in the Doctor Who canon, following Rose’s quest thought parallel universes to find him. Returning with Billie Piper are Camille Coduri and Shaun Dingwall, the latter making … >

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