The Ash Tree (audio drama) review

The Ash Tree is a newly adapted version of the MR James horror story of the same name. There’s always a place for something creepy at Christmas time and with this story Bafflegab Productions has hit the target. The Matthew Holness adaptation brings the setting right up to date, while the cast (Amanda Abbington, Reece … >

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Daughter of the Gods – Doctor Who Early Adventures 6.2 review

Daughter of the Gods is the second Doctor Who Early Adventures story Big Finish released in November 2019, along with The Home Guard. It’s packed with interest; we have the first and second Doctors meeting when they shouldn’t along with companions Zoe (Wendy Padbury), Jamie (Frazer Hines also voicing the second Doctor), Steven (Peter Purves also … >

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Blake's 7 - Outlaw - Big Finish audio - cover

Blake’s 7: Outlaw review

With Travis as its unexpected anti-hero, new Big Finish Blake’s 7 audiobook Outlaw, examines the off-screen history of the series’ most celebrated male villain. The plot carefully aligns with and extends the show’s canonical history to impressive effect. The book explores two separate timelines: the early years of Blake’s putative rebellion against the Federation, which … >

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Doctor Who The Ultimate Evil cover

The Ultimate Evil – Doctor Who The Lost Stories 5.2 audio review

‘The Ultimate Evil’, originally written for Doctor Who’s Season 23, became a casualty of the show’s enforced hiatus. With the whole season replaced by ‘The Trial of a Time Lord’, the story finally came to light as a late-eighties’ Target novelisation. When Big Finish started their run of The Lost Stories, they were not able … >

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Blake's 7: Restoration Part 2 cover

Blake’s 7: Restoration Part 2 review

The Liberator is crippled and at high-risk of becoming uninhabitable as well as unnavigable. The ship’s crew must locate the technology that can salvage the situation before things slide past the point of no return. The vessel limps towards Space World (which Blake’s team first visited in “Redemption”, the opening episode of the second TV … >

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Doctor Who Nightmare Country cover

Nightmare Country – Doctor Who The Lost Stories 5.1 audio review

‘Nightmare Country’ was a storyline pitched for Doctor Who‘s 21st season, but ultimately shelved. With a reality bending premise, the production team deemed it beyond the scope of a 1980s’ BBC budget. While Big Finish have adapted numerous other Lost Stories over the years, this one remained under the radar, languishing in writer Stephen Gallagher’s … >

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The Home Guard – Doctor Who Early Adventures 6.1 audio review

The Home Guard is the first of two Doctor Who Early Adventure stories Big Finish released in November 2019. A specific mix of drama and narration (in the style of BBC soundtrack releases for otherwise missing stories) they can conjure detailed worlds yet provide plenty of entertainment. Enter the second Doctor, Jamie (both voiced by … >

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Warzone/Conversion cover artwork

Warzone / Conversion – Doctor Who Monthly Adventures 258 audio review

‘Warzone’ and ‘Conversion’, a double header of linked two-parters, close the current monthly adventures storyline. Travelling with Tegan, Nyssa and new companion Marc, the Fifth Doctor finds himself involved in first a deadly race and then seeking out an old foe. Warzone The TARDIS lands amid what they fear is a battle, before realising it … >

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Torchwood: Dead Man's Switch cover design

Torchwood: Dead Man’s Switch review

November’s monthly Torchwood story pulls the spotlight away from the main Hub crew to push the focus back in the direction of the malevolent, machiavellian manipulator Bilis Manger. Last heard of in the deliciously dark Deadbeat Escape back in August 2018, Manger has lost none of his nefarious charms by the time the events of … >

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