Audio Review: The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 5 – Buried Memories

Recently returned from a parallel universe, the latest box set release for Bernice Summerfield (Benny to her friends) provides her with four fresh adventures. Back on her own turf, Benny now accompanies the “Unbound” Doctor, freed from his responsibilities and able to return a life of freewheeling time and space travel. Pride of the Lampian … >

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The Eighth Doctor: Time War Volume 3 – Doctor Who audio review

As the Time War, the unfathomable temporal conflict between Daleks and Time Lords rumbles on, the Doctor refuses to fight. Instead, he hovers at the edges, trying to save lives. State of Bliss Though planned only for the first boxset, Rakhee Thakrar’s impressive debut ensured Bliss became the Doctor’s Time War companion. Writer Matt Fitton … >

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Audio Review: Doctor Who Short Trips 9.8 – #HarrySullivan

The latest Short Trip, a satire on celebrity culture, features the popular line-up of the Fourth Doctor, Sarah and Harry. Created in anticipation of the casting of an older Doctor, Harry Sullivan was UNIT’s Medical Officer. A good, old fashioned British gent, he was often the butt of the Doctor’s jokes, and occasional ire, and … >

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Dorian Gray: The Lost Confessions Review – new stories

Back in 2016 we reviewed the fifth season of Dorian Gray tales with heavy heart and a sense of closure. Fast forward three years and Big Finish has released Dorian Gray: The Lost Confessions. There are three new adventures for Dorian, all written by Scott Harrison from scripts by producer / director Scott Handcock. Alexander … >

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Torchwood: The Hope review

Reunited from May 2017’s dark, disturbing and deeply funny ‘Corpse Day’, the latest Torchwood monthly release features Owen Harper (Burn Gorman) and PC Andy Davidson (Tom Price) working undercover. The story begins with Owen delivering a fatal cancer diagnosis to a prison inmate. Andy is on the case too, as a prison warden, with the … >

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Doctor Who Monthly Adventures 254 – Emissary of the Daleks review

After creating a well-received encounter for the 1980s era Cybermen last year, writer Andrew Smith again returns to the Monthly Adventures – this time pitting the Sixth Doctor against the Daleks. Arriving on a remote planet, principally to satisfy the Doctor’s curiosity regarding such an isolated society, he and Peri find a world under occupation. … >

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Transference - Big Finish

Transference review

Easily the most ambitious Big Finish Originals audio drama to date, conspiracy thriller Transference presents itself as a pretty demanding listen. Weighing in with a total runtime of eight hours, and commanding a significant price tag (for a digital-download-only release), Big Finish are expecting a significant investment from the company’s loyal listeners for what is … >

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