The Avengers: The Comic Strip Adaptations Volume 3 review

For their latest box set of adaptations, after two volumes drawn from Diana magazine, Big Finish have turned to the strips of TV Comic. Three volumes have been announced, the first expanding on tales from the Series 6 “Steed and Tara King” era of the television show. On screen, Linda Thorson’s Tara King may have … >

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The War Master 3: Rage Of The Time Lords review

Derek Jacobi is back in another four-story War Master set, and this time only the Doctor can save the day, if he ever arrives! This time Big Finish has set Paul McGann’s Eighth Doctor in the way of events, but can even he stop the Master’s plans this time? It’s a strong set of stories, … >

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Doctor Who Main Range 253: Memories Of A Tyrant review

At the heart of the latest Doctor Who monthly adventure, the first in a fresh trio of stories for the Sixth Doctor and Peri, sits an age-old conundrum: can there be a time limit on justice? Memories Of A Tyrant takes the idea further, with technology which promises to retrieve seemingly long-forgotten memories, by asking … >

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The Lives of Captain Jack Volume 2 cover art

The Lives Of Captain Jack Volume 2 review

Two years on from his first solo outing on audio, under his own name rather than as part of Torchwood, Captain Jack Harkness is back for another trio of stories drawn from different points in his endless lifespan. A time-traveller, conman, hero and sometime companion of the Doctor, the vibrant former Time Agent was joined … >

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Survivors series 9 review 

These final four dramatic episodes bring to a first-class conclusion nine series of original full-cast audio dramas set in the world of Terry Nation’s peerless 1970s’ post-apocalyptic BBC serial Survivors. With an experienced creative team completely in command of the material, and knowing in advance that these instalments are the closing chapter in the current … >

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Torchwood: God Among Us Part 3 review

The massive flood triggered by the tsunami finale of the previous boxset of the God Among Us trilogy has left disaster in its wake as the third instalment opens. Cardiff Bay is in ruins, hundreds are dead, others are missing, and the shell-shocked survivors are hunkered down in inland refugee camps. But when it comes … >

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Torchwood: Sargasso review

“I’m a bloody truck driver from Cardiff, not Indiana Jones,” protests Rhys Williams as the life-or-death pressure mounts in the fourth instalment of Big Finish’s impressive Doctor Who monster themed Torchwood audio specials. Latest story Sargasso turns the spotlight on the plastic animators of the Nestene Consciousness, who have taken to the high seas in … >

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Doctor Who: Ravenous Volume 3 review

Ravenous 3 is the latest eighth Doctor four story boxset in the Ravenous series. It’s worth recapping the more recent eighth Doctor series as there are several currently running. The Ravenous series will be four boxsets of stories for Paul McGann’s Doctor in the company of Liv Chenka (Nicola Walker) and Helen Sinclair (Hattie Morahan). … >

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Doctor Who Short Trips: The Same Face review

June brought a third Doctor Short Trips story: The Same Face, performed by Katy Manning, written by Julian Richards. With some reservations, it’s another solid release and any opportunity to hear more Jo Grant is always welcome. A lot is suggested by the product page: on the planet Samael, Felicity Morgan keeps being assassinated. And … >

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Doctor Who Main Range 252: An Alien Werewolf In London review

Through this recent trilogy of monthly adventures, the Seventh Doctor has reconnected with Mags, the werewolf character first seen in Season 25’s The Greatest Show In The Galaxy. The pair have survived both The Monsters Of Gokroth and Mags’ own ancestors living under The Moons Of Vulpana, but for the final tale they are in … >

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