The Four Doctors: Doctor Who actors to attend National Space Centre event

The National Space Centre in Leicester will host a weekend event, The Science of the Time Lords on January 26 and 27. Visitors can meet four actors who played the Doctor in Doctor Who on January 26; fifth doctor Peter Davison, sixth doctor Colin Baker, seventh doctor Sylvester McCoy and eighth doctor Paul McGann. Companion actresses Janet Fielding … >

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Doctor Who Series 11: most compelling performances

Jodie Whittaker From the moment she literally crashed onto the scene in The Woman Who Fell to Earth, Jodie Whittaker hit the ground running and hasn’t stopped. Whittaker’s thirteenth Doctor embodies all the energy, cleverness and heroism of the Doctor. I’d like to see her face more challenging villains and monsters but there’s no doubt ‒ … >

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Doctor Who Short Trips 8.11: The Mistpuddle Murders review

The Short Trips format offers writers a chance to be as ‘out there’ as they desire, stretching Doctor Who’s ever-flexible format into almost any direction and none more so than in Simon A Forward’s latest offering, a rather unusual murder mystery tale for the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan. Set within a curious community of anthropomorphised … >

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The War Master: Master Of Callous review

In their latest War Master boxset, Master Of Callous, Big Finish gives us a story given plenty of time to breathe and develop. Possibly driven by Derek Jacobi’s availability, the War Master is a continual presence through the set of four stories, despite only being a major part of two of them. It’s a masterclass … >

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UNIT Series 7 Revisitations audio review

As the title of this latest (seventh) UNIT boxset from Big Finish suggests, this collection of stories is about things we’ve met before. What this set does is take that idea and put it in the hands of some different writers from the bulk of Big Finish’s recent new-Who releases. How did they do? First … >

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Star Cops: Mother Earth Part 2 review

The second series of Big Finish’s Star Cops audios takes the threat posed by the Mother Earth terror group into unexpected new directions, as the tendrils of the anti-space colonisation conspiracy introduced in series one are revealed to reach even further than Nathan Spring and his team had suspected. The result is a strong and … >

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Big Finish – Doctor Who: Entanglement review

The November release from the Big Finish Doctor Who – Early Adventures range is Entanglement. Written by noted writers Robert Khan and Tom Salinksy (writers of Brexit The Play), it’s a pastiche of Cambridge (and Oxford) as might have been in the 1930s complete with eccentric tutors, impenetrable college traditions and boisterous undergraduates all at … >

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