Big Finish: Blind Terror – The Gods Of Frost review

Released just as the bleaker weather and receding daylight hours announce the arrival of autumn, Big Finish’s latest original audio drama is a classy, quality chiller. This immersive and atmospheric tale of ghostly spectres and ‘spirits from beyond the grave’ unfolds as winter takes hold of an isolated and eccentric country estate and long-buried secrets … >

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Doctor Who Short Trips 8.10: I Am The Master review

Thanks to his numerous appearances over the years, against various Doctors, is fair to say that Geoffrey Beevers has become the audio embodiment of that classic Time Lord villain, The Master. While he only played briefly against Tom Baker onscreen in The Keeper Of Traken, a story which reintroduced the character after some years and … >

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Doctor Who: Ideal World review

An Ideal World (by Ian Potter) is the October 2018 release from the Big Finish Doctor Who Early Adventures range. Like last month’s Dalek Occupation Of Winter, it’s a First Doctor story with Maureen O’Brien narrating and playing Vicki, Peter Purves narrating, playing Steven Taylor and the Doctor and a full cast. The setup is … >

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Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Adventures – Ravenous 2 review

While July brought us Paul McGann’s dashing Eighth Doctor again railing against the inevitability of The Time War, this month’s release returns us to his earlier adventures; travelling with companions Liv Chenka (Nicola Walker) and Helen Sinclair (Hattie Morahan), the trio finally encounter the terrifying Ravenous! Like Doom Coalition before it, Ravenous is a story … >

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Doctor Who: The Quantum Possibility Engine review

Writer Guy Adams like setting the Doctor a challenge or three, and his latest Big Finish main range title, The Quantum Possibility Engine, is no exception. Sylvester McCoy’s seventh Doctor has his work cut out when Melanie Bush (Bonnie Langford) steals the TARDIS and leave both him and Ace (Sophie Aldred) prisoners. Meanwhile Solar System … >

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Doctor Who Short Trip 8.09 – A Small Semblance Of Home review

September’s Doctor Who Short Trip from Big Finish, a short story narrated by an original star of the show, brings us a character piece from the early days of the show when the Doctor had three travelling companions – a dynamic soon to be mirrored with the launch of Series 11. With Ian and Barbara … >

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Big Finish: Shilling & Sixpence Investigate review

This latest entry in the expanding Big Finish Originals audio range presents the intriguing crime-solving capers of the amateur sleuthing duo Miss Lavinia Sixpence and Desmund Shilling, a suitably mismatched pair of investigators whose deductions usually outclass the efforts of local law enforcement to uncover the guilty parties.  Based on the long running series of … >

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Bernice Summerfield – The Story So Far Vol 2 review

As part of the continuing celebrations for her twentieth anniversary on audio, Big Finish have released two volumes of adventures drawn from the various periods of Bernice Summerfield’s life. While Volume One looked at her youth, her time on Dellah and at the Braxiatel Collection, Volume Two brings us up to date offering encounters with two … >

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Doctor Who series 11: The Ghost Monument review

Heading into week two, Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor continues to delight. With spoilers, here’s our review of ‘The Ghost Monument’… As a viewer there’s a sense of relief at the start of this week’s sophomore outing for the Thirteenth Doctor. With all the female incarnation ballyhoo behind us, introductions more or less made, and a … >

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