Doctor Who: The Behemoth review

Marc Platt’s Doctor Who story The Behemoth, is the first in a set of three audio releases for Colin Baker’s sixth Doctor and his two Big Finish companions, Flip (Lisa Greenwood) and Constance Clark (Miranda Raison). For a change it’s a pure historical tale, set in 1756 Bath. The Doctor is setting tongues wagging, but … >

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Torchwood: The Lives Of Captain Jack boxset review

Jack Harkness, former Time Agent and friend of the Doctor has a rather complicated timeline; he has travelled with two different incarnations and also on his own, as well as having spent several lifetimes on Earth. This makes him ripe for further exploration and this box set explores some of the tantalising gaps in Jack’s … >

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Marvel’s Inhumans (Sky 1) review

Given that tonight’s UK premiere of Marvel’s Inhumans comes nearly a month after its US air date and even longer after the ill-judged IMAX release, I’d wager that you’re already aware of the bad buzz that’s been surrounding this series ever since the first footage was released.

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Guide to the 2017 Doctor Who Short Trips Rarities

Big Finish has released five more titles in its Doctor Who Short Trips Rarities range. These are all stories, read by various actors and featuring a range of Doctors and companions. They were previously available as subscriber bonusses, and are now on sale to fans who, perhaps, weren’t subscribers to the main Doctor Who range … >

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