Doctor Who – Short Trips 7.08 ‘The British Invasion’ review

Wendy Padbury narrates this charming tale which brings the TARDIS and her crew, the Second Doctor, highlander Jamie McCrimmon and the futuristic astrophysicist Zoe Herriot to London’s South Bank in 1951, for the Festival of Britain. The first quarter of an hour of the play’s unhurried forty-two minutes is made up of some delightful character … >

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Rellik episode 3 Review (spoilers)

Rellik‘s proving to be the kind of competent, grimace-to-the-drizzle, crime drama that the BBC’s been doing well for decades, but the longer it goes on the more it exposes its biggest problem: time. And I’m not talking about the scheduling – although it’s being well-beaten by its 9pm rival, Liar, over on ITV – nor … >

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Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 3 review

With the third boxset in this range, Big Finish is now delivering entirely authentic third Doctor stories hitting the mark in every respect, and Tim Treloar has now mastered Jon Pertwee almost entirely. This set has two stories: The Conquest of Far by Dalek voicing director Nick Briggs, and Storm of the Horofax by Andrew … >

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The Child in Time review

Ian McEwan’s The Child in Time is an aggressively challenging book to adapt. Not only does it deal with some heavy subject matter, but time and space are manipulated throughout the novel with the reader reliant on protagonist Stephen’s point of view to follow the many angles of the narrative. This one-off BBC drama – … >

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HG Wells The Time Machine (audio) review

With September’s release of The Time Machine, the Big Finish range of HG Wells audios hits the home straight with this two-disc adaption by Marc Platt of this classic story. Starring Ben Miles (The Crown) in the role of the nameless Time Traveller, it’s a very faithful telling of the original text, and worthy of … >

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