5 crossovers that ‘Doctor Who’ fans would love from Big Finish

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The mind boggles as to what glorious Doctor Who mashups Big Finish might offer us next.

Here are a few ideas…


Wilfred Mott at Large

Doctor Who Wilf Bernard Cribbins

Of course, the return of Donna offers the tantalising prospect of more adventures with Wilf, played by the glorious Bernard Cribbins. Personally, we think he would make a fine addition to the gang at Paternoster Row – after all he does have form as a policeman (sort of).

Alternatively, could Wilf have been involved in the espionage game in his youth? Perhaps all his Silver Cloak techniques were learnt from Gilmore and the team at Counter-Measures?


Donna Noble and the Sixth Doctor

Doctor Who Donna Catherine tate Sixth Doctor colin baker

With Catherine Tate reprising her role as Donna, the forthright companion of the Tenth Doctor, the potential is there for Ms Noble to meet other incarnations of the Time Lord.

While she would doubtless eat the Fifth Doctor alive (Tegan vs Donna anyone?), we would love to see Donna taken on the equally strong personality of the Sixth Doctor.


> Follow Ian McArdell on Twitter.

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