12 things we want to see in ‘Doctor Who’ Season 9

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Here are some of the things we’d like to see when Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman return to our screens later this year…


The return of Missy

Doctor Who Dark Water Missy kiss

I think it’s fair to say that Missy blew the vast majority of viewers away in Season 8. I wasn’t sure after she popped up at the end of ‘Deep Breath’, but by the end of the season I’d completely changed my opinion. Missy was nothing short of spectacular, with a truly bananas and, at times, creepy performance by Michelle Gomez.

It’s already been made clear that she’s going to be returning soon (you didn’t really buy that ‘death’ at the end, did you?), so just what part will she play in Season 9?

Another grand plan? Helping the Doctor only to betray him? Dangling the location of Gallifrey in front of the Doctor’s nose to lead him a merry dance? Whatever it is, if we get more of Gomez being amazing, I’m down with it.


A more open Doctor/Clara relationship

Doctor Who Death in Heaven Clara

The character arc for the Doctor and Clara throughout Season 8 was riveting; truly it felt deep and fresh. But with Danny Pink now dead and out of the way, and ‘Last Christmas’ apparently cleaning deck on all of the lies and angst, maybe we’re going to see a less complicated, more joyful side to their relationship?

Let’s see how much they love each other and enjoy being together to make us really feel the loss when she undoubtedly takes her final bow.


Evil Clara

Doctor Who The Name of the Doctor Clara

I don’t think there’s much chance of this, but for me it seems like a possible missed opportunity. So Clara was the Impossible Girl; who knows how many versions of her were out there through space and time, knowingly and unknowingly helping out all the different incarnations of the Doctor?

But what if one of them turned against him? Say… if Missy found one, twisted her, then placed her aboard the TARDIS, stashing the real Clara away for safe keeping. A traitor aboard the TARDIS!

If the keys scene in ‘Dark Water’ showed us anything, Jenna Coleman could totally pull off playing an Evil Clara.


A face from the past

Doctor Who Torchwood Jack Cardiff

A past companion dealing with Capaldi’s cranky Doctor? Yes please. What better way to lightly celebrate the tenth anniversary of Doctor Who’s 21st century revival than with the return of a nu-Who companion?

Most of the recent companions are a bit tricky to weave back in – either being dead, trapped in alternative universes, or unable to know who the Doctor is without their brains melting – but there is still the (poorly served) Martha Jones. It would be rather lovely to see her get another run around with the Doctor, perhaps returning to UNIT following her freelancing with Mickey Smith.

And we know many of you would like it, we KNOW Barrowman would jump at the chance, and we know it actually almost happened, in ‘A Good Man Goes To War’, so come on Moffat! Could Captain Jack come back? It’s been too long, let’s have the old devil back on board, flirting with Clara and making Capaldi all uncomfortable.


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