In The Woman Who Fell to Earth, the Doctor constructed a new sonic screwdriver in a Sheffield workshop.

Her bespoke sonic screwdriver is made from melted spoons. In fact, she refers to it as a sonic Swiss Army knife, made out of Sheffield steel. Her sonic screwdriver does not include a knife, however because “only idiots carry knives.”

Sheffield, England, where the episode is set, has a long history of industrial steel works, tool making and the production of knives. There is even a multi-function tool made by a company called Sheffield Tools.
This isn’t the first time the Doctor has employed a spoon an episode of Doctor Who. The seventh Doctor played the spoons as a musical instrument in Time and the Rani and The Greatest Show in the Galaxy.

Spoons were a recurring theme for Twelfth Doctor, who famously used a spoon in his fight against Robin Hood’s sword in Robot of Sherwood and favoured soup while under duress in Heaven Sent and Hell Bent.

Certainly spoons will continue to be featured in Doctor Who. After all, a Doctor has to eat.