For a few months, rumours have been passed around on social media and fan forums of a Doctor Who Season Two episode described as a sort of “space Eurovision.”
Now Nichola Methven of the Mirror, who has provided some accurate Doctor Who news in the past, has a source who claims the same.
“Think Eurovision in space. There will be singing and there will be competition. Hey, there might even be a cameo for Graham Norton! Anything is possible.”
The mention of Graham Norton is interesting but the name I’ve heard most associated with this episode is Rylan Clark, who has served as a semi-final co-commentator for Eurovision since 2018.
I’ve also heard that this space Eurovision (Stellarvision?) episode is the one written by Juno Dawson, who described her episode this way:
“It’s the most ridiculous episode they’ve ever done… And the most expensive.”
Dawson’s episode is rumoured to be the sixth in the series and to transmit on May 17, to coincide with the Eurovision contest set to take place in Switzerland this year. Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies, speaking at a BAFTA event called A Life in Pictures in June 2024, said this of Episode Six of Season Two:
“There’s one next year where I very specifically said, ‘I want this film crossed with that thing,’ and that’s the best episode ever! Episode 6 next year – watch episode 6 next year. It’s a riot, my God, it’s a riot! It’s hilarious.”
If that isn’t enough to fuel this rumour, Doctor Who producer Joel Collins wore two very interesting and unique T-shirts to the Gallifrey One convention in February of this year. The first one featured Mr Ring-a-Ding, a cartoon character voiced by Alan Cumming recently announced to be in Season Two. His second T-shirt the following day was black with the words “803rd Interst★llar Song Contest” in white.
Not since a Dalek competed in front of a Eurovision panel for a 2023 Children in Need skit has there been this much talk of a Doctor Who/Eurovision mash-up.
The stars will align when Doctor Who Season Two officially launches with Episode One on Saturday 12 April at 8am on BBC iPlayer and later that day on BBC One in the UK. Those outside of the UK can watch Doctor Who Season Two on Disney+ where available beginning simultaneously at 3am ET/12am PT. The remaining seven episodes of the series will transmit on subsequent Saturdays.