Five-part Doctor Who spin-off now in pre-production

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The long-rumoured Doctor Who spin-off, The War Between the Land and the Sea, has received a credit on a line producer’s CV.

The War Between the Land and the Sea is listed on the CV of line producer Carolyn Parry-Jones as a five-part fantasy drama of one-hour episodes to be filmed by Doctor Who 2024 series director Dylan Holmes-Williams and produced by Edoardo Ferretti.

On 24 and 25 June, June Holmes-Williams posted Instagram stories showing location scouting at a beach and a coastal cave with DOP Dale McCready, Parry-Jones, art director Erica McEwan, and producers Ferretti and Joel Collins.

Sea Devils

The spin-off has long been rumoured to feature classic Doctor Who creatures the Sea Devils. The coastal cave location scouted is reminiscent of the specially-shot Doctor Who Season 9 Collection announcement trailer featuring Defenders of the Earth written Pete McTighe (Kerblam! and Praxeus). The short featured Katy Manning as Jo Grant taking children to a cave to see newly-hatched Sea Devils. The Sea Devils were first seen in the Third Doctor Season 9 episode The Sea Devils and last seen in the Thirteenth Doctor Doctor Who Series 13 episode Legend of the Sea Devils.

For context, the title The War Between the Land and the Sea is mentioned by the Fifteenth Doctor when the TARDIS lands on a cliff on the Welsh coast in the 2024 Doctor Who series episode 73 Yards as a battle between forces of nature.

“The rocks and the water, it never ends, the war between the land and the sea.”

According to BECTU Earlybird, The War Between the Land and the Sea has a shoot date of September 2024 but with location scouting (recce) already underway, it’s possible principal photography could begin earlier.