Doctor Who Series 13: John Bishop filming at the Museum of Liverpool

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A film crew at the Museum of Liverpool recorded John Bishop and Nadia Albina filming scenes for Doctor Who Series 13 on Tuesday, March 23.

Albina is a disabled actress who has appeared on television, stage and screen. Her right arm ends at the elbow. She has recently appeared in ITV’s Innocent in 2020 and in the Netflix television series The One in 2021. Albina was also spotted filming some Doctor Who Series 13 scenes in Cardiff in November.

Bishop and Albina were in Liverpool filming scenes for Episodes 1 and 3 of Series 13.

Director Azhur Saleem was seen guiding the production.

The two actors were filmed both outside and inside the museum.

The crew filmed Series 13 scenes with Jodie Whittaker, Mandip Gill and and John Bishop and the TARDIS at Royal Albert Dock the previous evening.

Eight episodes are planned for Doctor Who Series 13 with the filming continuing into July. The clip which introduced John Bishop as companion Dan revealed the series is scheduled to air sometime in 2021, likely late autumn.