Rewind: ‘Enid Blyton’s Famous Five’ revisited
The Famous Five roam the South of England solving mysteries, having picnics and annoying Uncle Quentin with their boundless enthusiasm for just about everything.
The Famous Five roam the South of England solving mysteries, having picnics and annoying Uncle Quentin with their boundless enthusiasm for just about everything.
US comedy Community returned to the UK earlier this month with its second season, airing on Tuesday nights on Sony Entertainment TV. It’s a spectacularly funny show but if you’ve never heard of it or seen it we can’t blame you: the first season aired without fanfare on music channel Viva, and even in its … >
Sometimes, a video turns up online that is just so joyously perfect that the moment it finishes, you want to watch it again. This is just such a clip – the adventures of the Tenth Doctor and his companions turned into a Super Nintendo game. From his first appearance – ‘DOCTOR used FISH FINGERS and … >
With filming due to begin soon on Russell T Davies’s new CBBC drama Wizards vs Aliens, we caught up with the show’s script editor Derek Ritchie to find out more.
So the long- rumoured Star Wars TV series, while still no closer to production, is still being developed and now even has a title; Star Wars: Underworld.
The boys are back in town! And by boys, I mean “men” and by town, I mean “Majorca”.
A Scandal In Belgravia is brainy, sexy, heartrending, violent and funny; a treat for the head, heart, guts and groin all at once.
The adventures of James Herriot in his early years as a student vet at Glasgow Veterinary College can be seen on BBC One this Christmas in Young James Herriot.
BBC One’s hit Sherlock has already updated several of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s original stories, but there are plenty of other Holmes adventures that’d do well in the 21st century.
The autobiography of The Sarah Jane Adventures star and former Doctor Who actress Elisabeth Sladen will be published later this year, with the support of her husband, Brian Miller, and daughter, Sadie.